Download details
  • Original Author: Maxis Original
Maxis Buildings As Props and DLC P Maxis Buildings As Props and DLC Props HOT

This upload contains the official "SimCity 4 Buildings as Props Vol 1" and "SimCity 4 Buildings as Props Vol 2" files provided by EA/Maxis.

These files provide all buildings available in the base SimCity 4 game and the ones which were added to SimCity 4 in the Rush Hour Expansion in prop form, for use in lot creation. A third file can be found in the pack called Maxis DLC Props.dat, which contains the generic/common props from three of the official Maxis Landmark DLCs (Castleset.dat, Parthenon and Stonehange) and the props from the very ancient Plugin Landmark Props (from version 2.1). The main castle model and prop, the castle wall props, the main Parthenon building and prop and the main Stonehange building and prop are NOT part of this file. This file was compiled to address the commonly listed props as dependencies.

sc4buildingsaspropsvol1 sc4buildingsaspropsvol22
Created 2023-07-20T02:30:16-07:00
Changed 2023-12-06T07:41:39-08:00
Version Version 2.1
Size 4.3 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 3,100