Category: Network Addon Mod (NAM)
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  • Original Author: NAM Team
Downloads: 3
135px_NAMLogo_20210 Network Addon Mod Version 48 HOT

The Network Addon Mod (NAM) combines all transportation network-related fixes, additions and new creations that have been released so far. It adds countless new features to the existing network tools, such as traffic simulator improvements, new overpasses, highway onramps, intersections, pedestrian malls, a ground light rail network, roundabouts and turning lanes. This is the standard release version of the 48th edition of the NAM, NAM 48.

Created 2023-07-20T01:20:01-07:00
Changed 2024-01-16T22:14:25-08:00
Version Version 48
Size 783.27 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Downloads 14,708
  • Original Author: NAM Team
135px_NAMLogo_20211 NAM Lite Version 3 HOT

Network Addon Mod Lite (NAM Lite) is a transportation mod for SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition (or SimCity 4 with the Rush Hour Expansion Pack). A much more compact version of the flagship Network Addon Mod (NAM), NAM Lite features just the most essential of NAM features, including the NAM's renowned Traffic Simulator Plugins, refining SimCity 4's pathfinding engine to work as it was originally intended, along with Automata Controller options, updated textures (including a Euro/International texture option), Roundabouts, Diagonal Streets, additional interchanges for the game's base Highway system (the "Maxis Highways"), and (optional) Hole Diggers/Ground Raisers, allowing for precise terrain alteration.  For more details, visit

Created 2023-07-20T03:47:49-07:00
Changed 2023-08-30T02:17:39-07:00
Version Version 3
Size 27.48 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Downloads 1,578
  • Original Author: NAM Team

The Park And Ride Traffic Simulator Plugins are modified versions of the NAM's latest and greatest Simulator Z 3.0 Traffic Simulator Plugins (last updated with NAM 45), with one key difference: the Car transit type has its "Travel type can reach destination" property set to "False". This means that Cars cannot directly reach their destination, thereby requiring Sims to use Parking Garages or Parking Lots, or use alternative forms of transportation, like mass transit or active transit (walking) to reach it instead.

Created 2023-08-23T19:09:15-07:00
Changed 2023-08-30T02:18:07-07:00
Version Version 1
Size 261.91 KB
Created by SC4E Staff
Downloads 632