Download details
  • Original Author: Jondor

A set of orthogonal modular animated railroad crossing props to spice up your SimCity 4 railway experience!


This mod includes both the necessary props for orthogonal road networks as well as three basic sets of T21 exemplars.
The following network crossings are supported:

  • Maxis:
    • StreetxRail OxO and OxD
    • RoadxRail OxO and OxD
    • OWR-2xRail OxO and OxD
    • AVE-4xRail OxO and OxD
  • NAMv30:
    • GLR: (All four varieties supported)
    • StreetxGLR OxO and OxD
    • RoadxGLR OxO and OxD
    • OWR-2xGLR OxO and OxD
    • AVE-4xGLR OxO and OxD
    • GLR Puzzle Pieces:
    • StreetxGLR PP OxO
    • RoadxGLR PP OxO
    • OWR-2xGLR PP OxO (Animation not supported)
    • AVE-4xGLR PP OxO
    • TuLEPs:
    • Road TuLEPxRail OxO
    • Road TuLEPxSTR OxO
    • Road TuLEPxGLR OxO
    • AVE TuLEPxRail OxO
  • SAMv3:
    • SamxRail OxO and OxD for all 16 current and future sets.
  • NWMv2.0:
    • NWMxRail OxO (All networks supported)
    • NWMxSTR OxO (All networks supported)
    • NWMxGLR OxO (All networks supported)
    • NWMxRural GLR OxO (All networks supported)
    • NWMxRail OxD (Single tile networks only, except OWR-1)
    • NWMxGLR OxD (Single tile networks only, except OWR-1)
    • NWMxRural GLR OxD (Single tile networks only, except OWR-1)
  • RHWv5.0:
    • RHW-2xRail OxO and OxD
    • RHW-3xRail OxO
    • RHW-4xRail OxO and OxD
    • RHW-2xGLR OxO and OxD
    • RHW-4xGLR OxO and OxD
    • RHW-2xRural GLR OxO and OxD
    • RHW-4xRural GLR OxO and OxD
  • RAM-STR:
    • StreetxSTR OxO and OxD
    • RoadxSTR OxO and OxD
    • OWR-2xSTR OxO and OxD
    • AVE-4xSTR OxO and OxD
    • SAM-3xSTR OxO and OxD
    • SAM-4xSTR OxO and OxD
    • SAM-7xSTR OxO and OxD
    • RHW-2xSTR OxO
    • RHW-4xSTR OxO

Both RHD and LHD T21s are provided, along with a compatability file for the Rail Catenary Mod and the necessary path files to activate the crossing animations on OWR and RHW based networks.

As with all T21 mods, you must redraw the affected tiles for the game to change the props. In addition, if you find that the animations are not working on OWR or RHW crossings, you may need to bulldoze and redraw the crossing to force the game to update the paths. When driving a train in UDI mode, a graphical glitch may occur in which the crossing arms are drawn in both the vertical rest position and animating closed. This is an unavoidable, but harmless graphic bug and affects the Maxis crossing gates as well.


This download is only compatible with SimCity 4 "Rush Hour" or SimCity 4 Deluxe.

This mod is generally not compatible with other T21 mods that include rail crossings (except the NAM Core and components and vanilla Maxis T21s). A basic compatability patch is included for use with plundere's Rail Catenary Mod.


This package utilizes a Java-based installer (similar to the one used with the Network Addon Mod), and can also be opened and installed manually using 7-Zip or Keka.
To install it, you'll either need the Java Runtime Environment to run the installer--Adoptium's open-source edition is recommended--or a zip tool capable of opening the installer to allow manual installation. For Windows/Linux, use 7-zip, and for macOS, use Keka.

Once into the installer, after agreeing to the terms for the package, click to the Files tab to select which dependencies you wish to install (making no changes here will install everything). Then, click to the Location tab to set up an installation location (this should be the root of your My DocumentsSimCity 4Plugins folder). After this, click over to the Install tab, and click "Start installation" to begin the installation procedure. When installation is complete, the tab pop up a message indicating it, after which you are safe to close the installer.

**It is highly recommended to run the individual cleanitol files or the master cleanitol for the compilation with one of the following 3rd party cleanitol tools:

nos.17 Cleanitol (new tool)
BSC Cleanitol (old tool)

Un-Installing: To un-install this mod, simply delete the T21 files from your plugins directory, redraw every crossing to remove the props from your cities and finally delete the prop files.

Important notes: Installing multiple T21 sets without any other changes will result in only the last alphabetical set functioning. When using the mix-and-match option, please install all three sets for your driving side as well as the mix-and-match folder and follow the directions below.

    Each set folder contains the following files: (LHD files are prefixed "LHD-")
  • Maxis DTR Crossings.dat
  • Maxis GLR Crossings.dat
  • Maxis STR Crossings.dat
  • NWM DTR Crossings.dat
  • NWM GLR Crossings.dat
  • NWM STR Crossings.dat
  • RHW DTR Crossings.dat
  • RHW GLR Crossings.dat
  • RHW STR Crossings.dat
  • SAM DTR Crossings.dat
  • SAM STR Crossings.dat
  • TuLEP DTR Crossings.dat
  • TuLEP GLR Crossings.dat
  • TuLEP STR Crossings.dat
  • Please choose one of each file from any of the three sets and move them to the mix-and-match folder. Delete the excess folders.

Required and Optional Files: Required files are denoted in bold red, optional files in blue italic, files in green bold italic may or may not be required.

  • Modular RR Props: - Props and texture mods
    • a_Required_Props: - Contains required prop files
      • Flashers.dat
      • Gantries.dat
      • Gates.dat
      • Median.dat
      • Posts.dat
      • Signs.dat
    • z_Texture_Mods: - Contains optional texture mods
      • Modern_Rail_Way_Crossbuck.dat - Changes Modern Crossbuck to say "Rail Way Crossing", do not use with Modern Red Border Crossbuck
      • Modern_Red_Border_Crossbuck.dat - Changes Modern Crossbuck to wordless red border version, do not use with Modern Rail Way Crossbuck
      • White_Object_Markers.dat - Changes Object Markers to White/Black striped
      • Wide_Rail_Way_Crossbuck.dat - Changes Old Crossbuck to say "Rail Way Crossing"
  • z_z_Modular_RR_Files: - T21 and Path files
      • a_Catenary_Mod_Cancellation: - Rail Catenary Mod compatability
        • Catenary_Mod_Total_Cancellation_Maxis.dat - Cancels Catenary T21s on Maxis Crossings
        • Catenary_Mod_Total_Cancellation_NAM.dat - Cancels Catenary T21s on NAM Crossings
      • a_Maxis_Cancellation: - Maxis Compatability
        • Maxis_T21_Cancellation.dat - Cancels Maxis T21s to ensure vanilla gates do not appear
      • a_NAM_Cancellation: - NAM Compatability
        • NAM_T21_Cancellation.dat - Cancels NAM T21s to ensure vanilla gates do not appear
      • a_Path_Fixes: - Path fixes (necessary for vanilla RH or Deluxe and for RAM v1)
        • Maxis Path Fixes.dat - Adds stop points to Maxis crossings to ensure correct animations (Vanilla RH or Deluxe only)
        • RAM Path Fixes.dat - Adds stop points to RAM tiles to ensure correct animations (RAM v1 only)
      • z_LHD_T21_all_zones_all_wealths: - T21s
      • z_LHD_T21_by_wealth: - T21s
      • z_LHD_T21_by_zone: - T21s
      • z_RHD_T21_all_zones_all_wealths: - T21s
      • z_RHD_T21_by_wealth: - T21s
      • z_RHD_T21_by_zone: - T21s
          Each of these folders contains the following files: (LHD files are prefixed "LHD-")
        • Maxis DTR Crossings.dat
        • Maxis GLR Crossings.dat
        • Maxis STR Crossings.dat
        • NWM DTR Crossings.dat
        • NWM GLR Crossings.dat
        • NWM STR Crossings.dat
        • RHW DTR Crossings.dat
        • RHW GLR Crossings.dat
        • RHW STR Crossings.dat
        • SAM DTR Crossings.dat
        • SAM STR Crossings.dat
        • TuLEP DTR Crossings.dat
        • TuLEP GLR Crossings.dat
        • TuLEP STR Crossings.dat
      • z_T21_mix_and_match: - Empty Folder
      • Either use one entire folder or mix and match by project and crossing network into the 
    empty mix and match folder
       (This is important for proper operation). Please note that due to certain limitations, not all networks change based on zone type or wealth. In these cases, the "All" version is included in the "by wealth" or "by zone" folder.



This Mod does not have any required dependencies except SimCity 4 Rush Hour or Deluxe.

The following mods are optional dependencies to access all included content:

modular-rr modular-rr-action2
Created 2024-01-29T07:39:40-08:00
Changed 2024-01-29T07:41:20-08:00
Version Version 1 - Java Installer
Size 1.23 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 379