Download details
  • Original Author: CSX (aka. Colyn)

CSX Billboards - BSC Collection

This is a collection of billboards on a single ploppable lot to help finance your city.

The billboard props are in families, so a different one will appear each time they're plopped. These are all business deals and will give an small income to swell the mayor's slush fund. There are five sets in the collection, each in a separate dat: one general and 5 adult. Any not required can be removed from the install folder. The Legs'R'Us dat is specially for Vandy.
This download is a combination of the previously available CSX Billboard Collection 1 and CSX Billboard Collection Addon1 - Legs'R'Us downloads.


Copy/Extract the CSX parent folder into your plugins. If you extracted the ~Documents folder into your plugins, too, it's highly recommended to keep it, but move it out of the Plugins folder.

Un-Installing: To un-install the files, simply bulldoze every lot from this download in your cities and delete the files from the plugins folder afterwards.


  • various Billboard Props included and they can be found in the CSX/CSXProps folder. (there is a prop index image provided about these props)
  • SC4D LEX Legacy - BSC Common Dependencies Pack v9 (and above)
    The below listed dependencies are all can be found in the hereby linked dependency pack compilation.
    • BSC Essentials v2024b
    • BSC MEGA Props SG Vol01 v4
    • BSC MEGA Props MISC Vol02 v4
CSX_Billboards_s CSX_Billboards_sn2 csxbillboards_s3
Created 2025-01-14T04:37:46-08:00
Changed 2025-01-14T04:38:30-08:00
Version 2.0
Size 1.79 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 77