Download details
  • Original Author: Swamper77 (aka. SW77)

This is a set of Lots that I converted at ToxicPiano's request. He wanted to use Deadwoods' Under Rail Shops underneath the NAM's Raised Rail puzzle pieces, so I've converted them from Elevated Rail to Rail. These are additional Lots and do not replace any existing ones. 

This download contains a set of converted raised rail lots for use with the NAM's Raised Rail puzzle pieces or with L2 E-RRW. The originals were set up for Elevated Rail. These lots can be found in the Rail Menu. These are simple conversions so they have the same jobs and other properties as the originals. As a bonus, I also converted the Raised Park Transit Hub too.


  • BSC MEGA Props DAE vol01 v4 - Required for the Station model.

Network Addon Mod

A simple text Readme file is included with the addresses of the dependencies and instructions for installation and using them. The Under Rail Lots are not stations. They are ploppable Commercial Lots with rail running over them. The Transit Hub is configured as a passenger train station and also functions as a bus stop and subway station.

These lots will not allow freight trains to pass through them, so you will need to provide an alternate route for the freight trains to go around them


Extract/copy the Swamper77 parent folder to your Plugins folder.
Bulldoze the lots from your cities and then delete the files from your Plugins folder.
Placing the Lots:
Place all perpendicular networks and Raised Rail puzzle pieces first. Leave empty spaces for the station and/or under rail shops. Place the Lots and then drag the Rail tool inside the Lots to activate the paths.
UPDATE: 09.2023 - The lots have been updated to current NAM/MTA standards.
UPDATE: 01.2025 - Added submenu support, slight adjustment on stats.
Created 2023-11-21T15:27:18-08:00
Changed 2025-01-07T17:46:48-08:00
Version 2.0
Size 206.15 KB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 341