Download details
  • Original Author: Cogeo

This pack contains 5 Logistics Centres Lots for your cities, 4 RCI and an Enhanced Freight Rail Station.

The BATs are warehouses and ancillary buildings. They are completely fictional, but I have used the logos and liveries of containers of real companies.

All lots look the same and are 10x10 tiles large. They widely use prop families. As a result, you will get a different prop combination (and appearance) each time you grow or plop them. In addition many of them are time-dependent, eg the trucks appear and disappear periodically while the gates close during the night. The streets inside the lots as well as the parking areas are transit- and UDI-enabled. Also they spawn freight truck and train vehicles.

The RCI lots are actually commercial services. One would say to make them industrial, however this kind of operations is essentially commercial, plus industry tends to decline as HQ and EQ rise while CS demand is usually all-high, especially after offices have developed and displaced services. The stats are all the same.

The Freight Rail Station is specially modded so as to become two-way (provide both rail-to-truck and truck-to-rail traffic conversions). It also lifts caps for the ID and IM sectors.

For placement information and more details please read the provided readme file.

Change Log:

Update: 09.01.2024

  • consolidation of the lot pack as over the years the props and models have been released as a seperate dependency pack (Cogeo Logistics Centre Dependency Pack V2).
  • All the lots have been updated with PIM-X, the Transit and Network Enabled lots have been updated to NAM/MTA standards.

Lot Stats:

  Growable CS§ Growable CS§§ Ploppable CS§ Ploppable CS§§ Freight Rail Station
Lot size 10x10 10x10 10x10 10x10 10x10
Building Styles Chicago,NY,Houston,Euro Chicago,NY,Houston,Euro      
Growth Stage 4 3      
Plop Cost     $15000  $25000  $25000
Bulldoze Cost $230 $236 $230  $236  $2610
Monthly Cost          $1555
Demand Cap Relief          ID:25000, IM:25000
Building Value $26978 $30218  $27476 $30776  
Jobs 3522 3522/883 3587  3587/899  194§ 96§§ 19§§§
Flammability/Fire Stage 45/4 40/4 45/4  40/4  25/5
Power Consumption 71 MWh/mo 71 MWh/mo 72 MWh/mo  72 MWh/mo  33 MWh/mo
Water Consumption 706 cu.m/mo 849 cu.m/mo 719 cu.m/mo  864 cu.m/mo  130 cu.m/mo
Pollution (Air/Water) 35/17 over 5/5 tiles 33/22 over 5/6 tiles 35/17 over 5/5 tiles  44/22 over 5/6 tiles  108/54 over 1/2 tiles
Garbage Produced 105 tons/mo 44 tons/mo 107 tons/mo  44 tons/mo  215 tons/mo
Transit (Cargo) Capacity         80000



Copy/extract the Cogeo parent folder into your plugins. If you extracted the ~Documents folder into your plugins, too, it's highly recommended to keep it, but move it out of the Plugins folder.

If you have a left-hand driving installation (UK, Pacific) you must also install the UK Pathing Patch (included in this pack). You can find the z_LCP_UK_PathingPatch.dat file in the ~DocumentsUK_Pathing Patch folder.

To avoid conflicts, please, it is highly recommended to use any of the third party cleanitol tools and remove any previous versions from your plugins. In the ~Documents folder in the main ZIP you can find a Cleanitol_Cogeo Logistics Centres MegaPack V2.txt file and by using either the newer nos.17's SC4 Cleanitol or the older BSC Cleanitol tool you can search and remove old and outdated versions of these files. 


    • BSC MEGA Props JES Vol01 v2
    • BSC MEGA Props SG Vol 01 v4


- Special thanks to Jestarr for his custom consist prop models.
- Special thanks to Swamper77 for the automata-spawning scripts.
- Many thanks to BarbyW and T Wrecks for their modding and stats help.

Cogeo Logistics Centres MegaPack V2_Left2 Cogeo Logistics Centres MegaPack V2_Right22 LotBuildings3
Created 2025-01-09T16:51:14-08:00
Changed 2025-01-09T16:57:56-08:00
Version 2.0
Size 989.33 KB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 140