Download details
  • Original Author: Vester (VDK)
BSC VDK Prop Pack Vol03 - GEvo Eng BSC VDK Prop Pack Vol03 - GEvo Engines

This package holds the models and base texture skins for GEvo Engines as props.

It holds 5 different prop series: P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5. Each props series holds models for the following angles:
0°, 11.25°, 18.43°, 22.5°, 26.56°, 33.69°, 45°, 56.31°, 63.44°, 67.50°, 71.57°, 78.75°.

For each props series (P1-P5), you will need to install a texture.
You can have all 5 be the same, pick a different texture for each one, or some combination in between.

Textures for the railroads should be installed from the texture packages listed below:
VDK Proppack 3 - Texture files Vol 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D and 3E.
Each texture packs holds 28 different train color schemes, in totale 140.

Please, take some time and read the provided readme files about how to install properly this mod.


The files for this mod are split into a main file and five texture files. The original/initial SC4D LEX upload contained 6 separate uploads, but during the file restoration to SC4Evermore these packages have been combined.
There are two methods to install this package (see below). In both cases you need to copy/extract the BSC parent folder into your plugins.
In any case you must install and keep the BSCProps/VDK GEVo Props.dat file. You can install textures from all five packages, but only one texture for each the prop series: P1-P5 will show in game.
The BSC folder contains a BSCProps subfolder (with the VDK GEVo Props.dat - you must install and keep this) and a VDK subfolder with the following Prop Pack 3P1 - P5 subfolders for the actual texture variations. Bear in mind you can only have ONE texture dat per P# subfolders. The file names contain the designation of the texture variation volumes where they belong, so you can check it in the relevant readme files (VDK GEVo Textures Props P1 Vol03A ####.dat or VDK GEVo Textures Props P1 Vol03B ####.dat).
    1. By fully manual install, after you copied the BSC parent folder you need to go into the Proppack 3 subfolder and choose ONLY one *.dat file from each P# folders!!! You can have all 5 be the same, pick a different texture for each one, or some combination in between.
    2. By using the provided *.exe installers for each texture set volumes that can be found in the ~Documents_INSTALLERS folder. In this case after you copied the BSC folder, go and remove the Proppack 3 subfolder FROM the VDK folder, then you may run all five installer one by one and choose among the provided options*.
      It is highly recommended to read the provided readme files for each set, as it can help choosing between options. 
      *Bear in mind at the end  you still can only have one DAT per P# files/folders.

The texture files need to be downloaded seperate, one files or all five files.
The files is named VDK Proppack 3 - GEvo Engines Texture files Vol 3A - E.

The file VDK GEVo Props.dat will be installed in the folder:
"Simcity 4/Plugins/BSC/BSCProps".

The textures files will be installed in the following folder(s):
    1. "Simcity 4/Plugins/BSC/VDK/Proppack 3/P1 and P2 and P3 and P4 and P5" (with manual install - one file per folder)


    2. "Simcity 4/Plugins/BSC/VDK/Proppack 3" (with *.exe installers - five files together, ONE for each P#)

The markings (P1, P2,...) on the grey base textures, indicates for which prop series there are no texture installed:


For uninstalling the files, simply delete the files from the plugins folder.

Known problems:

When using custom automata mods the game will occasionally show "ghost trains" just after loading
(trains showing up just outlined, or only partly visible). This is normal, and nothing to worry about.

In the UDI menu, there will be an icons for each engine mods installed and they will all be that of the replacement mod.


This download is only compatible with SimCity 4 incl. the "Rush Hour" expansion pack or SimCity 4 Deluxe.
Hint: When using the SimCity 4 Startup Manager, make sure to select the folder:
" BSC" folder in your region profile(s) before starting the game.


Will like to give thanks to threestooges, Rivit and Eggman121 for their help.

BSC VDK Proppack 3 Vol3B VDK GEvo Props readme2
Created 2024-09-08T17:56:22-07:00
Changed 2024-09-08T18:00:41-07:00
Version 1.0
Size 57.45 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 137