Download details
  • Original Author: Vortext
Vortext - Vortexture 1 & 2  (Base Set - Grass and D Vortext - Vortexture 1 & 2 (Base Set - Grass and Dirt) HOT

Vortexture 1 - BaseSet

This is a set of 42new base textures for use in the Lot Editor. Included in the download are two files, namely:
Vortexture 1 - BaseSet v1.dat ; the file which contains the actual textures
Vortexture 1 - demo.SC4Lot ; a lot with all 42 base textures - you will find this in the ~Documents/TEST_LOT folder

A note to LOTters

You may be accustomed to rotating and/or mirroring base textures in the Lot editor in order to circumvent repetitive tiling effects. This practice is not necessary with the current set, and may in fact give unsatisfactory results, because all base textures are so-called multi-fsh textures. This means each texture holds multiple variations of itself, and the game will randomly pick a variation to display. Please note, however, the variations do not show up in the Lot Editor.


Textures are released as is and will most likely be subject to further tweaking in the future.

Corresponding sets of overlay textures are forthcoming as well. If you want to stay up to date on progress please visit my thread, which is also the placeto be if you have questions and/or remarks otherwise.


Vortexture 2  - Grass & Dirt v2

This download contains various sets of overlay and two-toned base textures based on the previously released set of base textures, for use in the Lot Editor. Included are:

6 sets of grass overlays, 48 shapes per set
6 sets of dirts overlays, 48 shapes per set
5 sets of unpaved overlays, 32 shapes per set
8 sets of two-tone base textures, 48 shapes per set

As always textures are released - as is - and may be subject to further tweaking in the future.

If you want to stay up to date on progress please visit my thread, which is also the place to be if you have questions and/or remarks otherwise.

Installation: Copy/Extract the Vortext parent folder inside the plugins folder. (Documents/SimCity 4/Plugins) The ~Documents folder contains the readme and a test lot to see the textures in the game as a test.



Vortexture 1_lex pic vrtxtr  day Vortexture 2_lex pic vrtxtr2v2  day2
Created 2023-11-10T16:30:54-08:00
Changed 2023-11-11T08:07:11-08:00
Version 1.0
Size 46.79 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 1,032