Download details
  • Original Author: Girafe and MGB204

This upload contains a set of bicycle props and prop families which contain 10 orthogonal and 10 diagonal bike props. It also contains an optional override option for Murimk Bike Props and MMPs. 

Base Set:

  • Grfe_mgb_bicyclepack_vol. 1.dat

    This is the base pack and includes models, props and prop families which contain 10 orthogonal and 10 diagonal bike props. Props can be found under the name:  Grfe_bike_...

    You will find this file in the BSCProps/Grfe_Props subfolder.

Optional MMPs:

  • Grfe_mgb_bikes_diago.dat + Grfe_mgb_bikes_ortho.dat

    2 MMPs, found in the "girafe/Bicyclepack vol01 MMPs" folder for the bike props, one for orthogonal bikes and a second for diagonal bikes.

Optional Prop Overrides for Murimk Bikes:

Installing these files will allow you to optionally change any existing Murimk bikes without having to re-plop them. Note: these files must load after the original prop pack/MMP by Murimk to work correctly, therefore it is advised to keep the original folder structure. If you want these Murimk Bikes overrides install the Z___BSC MODsGrfe-MGB Murimk bikers overrides folder from the ZIP.

  • Grfe_mgb_Murimk_bikers_override.dat

    Found in the "Z___BSC MODsGrfe-MGB Murimk bikers overrides" folder, installing this file will replace any existing bike props by Murimk with the included bike props.

  • Grfe_mgb_Murimk_bikers_MMP_override.dat

    This files works the same way as the previous file, except this will replace the MMP versions of Murimk's bikes.

Special thanks to mgb204, BSC / VIP Members.

Created 2023-09-14T09:27:22-07:00
Changed 2023-11-11T08:19:39-08:00
Version Version 1
Size 244.45 KB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 831