Category: Gameplay Utilities
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  • Original Author: sawtooth
Downloads: 7

Region Census by sawtooth

Created 2023-07-20T02:30:16-07:00
Changed 2023-07-27T02:24:50-07:00
Version Version 0.8
Size 3.47 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Downloads 611
zip1 BSC Cleanitol TM Version 1.7 HOT

BSC Cleanitol TM by wouanagaine

Created 2023-07-20T02:30:16-07:00
Changed 2023-07-27T02:22:30-07:00
Version Version 1.7
Size 10.88 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Downloads 1,355
  • Original Author: memo and Flann

JDatPacker is a cross-platform utility for repackaging SimCity 4 plugin files into larger .dat files, originally developed by memo, with later contributions by Flann. It is an alternative to the original SC4DatPacker by wouanagaine.  Requires Java 8 or later.



Created 2023-07-20T02:30:16-07:00
Changed 2024-05-12T10:48:37-07:00
Version 0.2.2
Size 8.39 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Downloads 1,141
  • Original Author: wouanagaine

SC4DatPacker by wouanagaine.

Created 2023-07-20T02:30:16-07:00
Changed 2023-07-27T02:20:32-07:00
Size 4.77 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Downloads 2,039
  • Original Author: Daeley

10 minutes after playing the game, your Safety Advisor will pop on by reminding you to save your city. From then on you can choose the delay before he pops in again (20, 30, 45 or 60 minutes). This should be a nifty tool for those players that lose track of time while playing (you know you do) and should prevent some of the occasional frustration of a game crash after three straight hours of playing without saving.

Created 2023-09-03T01:39:46-07:00
Changed 2023-09-03T01:40:46-07:00
Version Version 1
Size 37.09 KB
Created by SC4E Staff
Downloads 195
  • Original Author: Killeroo

SC4Cartographer - Generate and save images from SimCity 4 saves.  Small tool that allows you to create, customize and save map images of cities.

Created 2023-09-04T18:28:47-07:00
Changed 2023-09-04T18:28:59-07:00
Version Version 1.1.0
Size 148.14 KB
Created by SC4E Staff
Downloads 195
  • Original Author: wouanagaine

SC4Save (also known as SC4SavegameExplorer) by wouanagaine.

Created 2024-04-18T16:32:14-07:00
Changed 2024-04-18T16:32:55-07:00
Version 1.1
Size 5.06 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Downloads 132