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Swamper77's EMT EMS Ambula Swamper77's EMT EMS Ambulances

EMT EMS Ambulances

Automata models created by Swamper77

Original models made by Ripptide

Requires: Swamper Automata Essentials

This download contains a set of North American ambulances in a generice red/white paint scheme. No plans for other colors.

The vehicles are all additionals, but you can choose to replace the Maxis ambulance with one that has blue lights, or one without the blue lights.

Created 2023-11-21T15:36:43-08:00
Changed 2023-11-21T15:36:43-08:00
Version 1.0
Size 160.69 KB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by SC4E Staff
Downloads 263