Download details
  • Original Author: Sam Johnson
SFBT Props Sam Johnson Playground P SFBT Props Sam Johnson Playground Props HOT

This extensive set of playground props has been created by Sam Johnson for using on his Moscow pre-fab lots, but they can be used on any (preferrably R-§) residential lots and playgrounds. All props are available in prop families with different colors, so no lot looks the same. Most of them were modeled after real-life playgrounds in Eastern Europe.

This prop pack contains about 100 different playground props. The props are intended for usage on playgrounds and other residential lots for SimCity 4. The pack only serves as a dependency, there are no lot or similar included. If you like to see those props in your game, you will have to install corresponding lots, or create your own. In the Lot Editor, all props are listed with the prefix "SFBT_Spielplatzprop_...", so they are neatly grouped for easier finding. The props are grouped into families, since each prop is available in various colors.

Installation: Copy/extract the SFBT parent folder into your plugins folder. If you extracted the _Documents folders too, you don't need to keep it in your Plugins, but it is recommended to move it to a safe location for later use. 

Uninstallation: For uninstalling the files, simply delete the files from the plugins folder.

Spielplatzprops_01 Spielplatzprops_022
Created 2023-08-17T11:17:37-07:00
Changed 2023-08-17T11:19:43-07:00
Version version 1
Size 1.45 MB
Created by SC4E Staff
Changed by Tyberius06
Downloads 789